jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Mexico in shame. The shadows of ignorance.

As anyone around the world could tell you “I’m proud of my country.” I like its history and culture, its food and people, but as anyone around the world could tell you “It’s not perfect.”

In today’s edition of the journal El Universal I read atrocious news. Once again - becoming a habit - high authorities of the catholic church announced their disgust for homosexuals saying that we can destroy the very basic foundations of society and also arguing that there are two types of homosexuals: those who can be cured because they come from an uneducated family without values and good example and those who cannot be cured because of their abnormal pathology. Of course as you must know church says we have no justification and the bible condemns us. OLD STORY.

But as you must know church likes enemies so not satisfied with their hate words about homosexuality also said that feminism is wrong and can destroy society as well! Jesus Christ all mighty! Women should stay quiet in the kitchen. And did you knew Mexico is a lay State as most countries. Well the government put all the money for the catholic church to say all those hideous things in a seminar.

Yes I’m Mexican but this is beyond nationality. These are human beings saying human beings are not worthy of anything, not even the right to love.

Mexico doesn’t have H&M or Forever 21. Jesus that’s enough! Now I have to put up with a bunch of old people telling me it’s wrong to marry and have kids.

I don’t know but that’s worse than the egyptian curses with moses. What do you think?

1 comentario:

  1. Most religions (specially catholicism) are based upon intolerance, in many occasions they just disguise it with various resources. Catholicism calls itself a 'religion of love' but their beliefs deeply contradict their supposed commandments. Even christianity as a whole was created through the destruction of many cultures (like the cathars and the old ways - predomminantly based upon the figure of the Goddess, cultures which gave women her rightful place in creation).
    I've become rather pessimistic about the future of mankind because we continue to turn to religion in order to look for 'answers'. Until we realize that there are no answers (no 'right' or 'wrong' answers, particularly) and take charge of ourselves instead of looking for someone else to have responsibility of our lives, things will continue like this...:(
    I applaud you for writing this!! And if you knwo of any petition we can sign so that there's at least one H&M in Mexico, I'll only be too happy to sign it! ;)
